Sunday, April 26, 2009


Yesterday, Eastan Bunch asked Kaley to Senior Ball by drawing a chalk outline of his body on our driveway complete with caution tape and a note saying, "I would die to go to ball with you".
He knows she is a Jack Bauer fan.

This video was her answer.

Mom and Dad Bustin' a Move

This is Kaley... Mom, Dad and I got home from church today and I quickly grabbed my camera to catch Mom and Dad totally bustin' a move. I'm sad to say I missed a lot of their greatest moves because I was in there dancing with them before I thought to grab my camera. But here they are... the Mommers and the Dadders!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Lion King Game

So during the wedding dinner we learned that Brett and Emily play fun games on road trips. One of those is the "Lion King Game". The object of the game is to imitate the intro song as accurately as possible. I guess Brett is the very best at it and all the rest of us do it wrong :) You be the judge....