Saturday, June 28, 2008

A day in the Sun!

Ok so these last couple of weeks the weather here in Rexburg has been so nice. It has stayed pretty much in the 80s but as I was looking at the weather forecast this last week it said that Saturday it was going to be 90 degrees. I came up with the best idea ever... to rent a canoe from the campus outdoor center and float down the river with Emily. So thats what I did. I showed up Saturday to pick up the Canoe but they had double booked everything and there was no more left. So instead we got two river tubes to float down peacefully and enjoy the beautiful day. The date began and as we floated down, we ate our lunches and it was a lot of fun. We saw a baby deer and its mother drinking from the river. We saw a beaver swimming up stream with a branch in its mouth and we also saw a otter swimming around. But then it begun... The river started to branch off in different directions... there were forks and I didn't have any map and had never floated down the river before. We hadn't see any people or even signs of civilization for a while and so we didn't have anyone to ask!! We just kept choosing the bigger part of the river and the one with the most current. Then after three hours of floating down I started to wonder if we were ever going to arrive at the destination where my car was. Then the current stopped... I told Emily to hold on to my feet as I paddled... then the mosquitos started to come out!! Ok to make the story short it took us four hours to get to the park. The first three were great but then I had to paddle as my body was being eatin by mosquitoes... My roommate later counted and I had 119 bites on my back and they were all over my legs too... we finally did get to the park. But really what was I thinking, we could have ended up in the middle of no where! Also how am I not dead? How am I not lost? Do I have the West Nile virus? How is this girl Emily still talking to me? I might add that a flock of birds almost attacked us as we floated under and bridge where all their nests were! It was an interesting day and defiantly a fun memory!! (Sorry I don't have any real pictures!)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Backpacking in Zions

It all started about 10 years ago when I went to a family reunion in southren Utah and visited Zion's and Bryce National Parks. I loved the red cliffs and rock formations and I was told that you could backpack through incredible canyons. I really wanted to do that, but never got around to it. Then my brother Kevin sent me an email telling me that they had planned a trip and wondering if anyone in our family wanted to join them. So Landon and I packed up and drove 11 hours to St George and met Chad, Kevin, Justus, Marion, Travis, Dallin, Becca, Renae, Matt, Lance, Matt Pruitt, and Jake (our fearless guide who had done the trip before) and we had an amazing experience that we will not forget!

We hiked Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, slept under the stars and a very full moon...I almost wanted to ask someone to turn out the light!

Cooked great meals on our little propane stoves.

This is a huge blockage caused by flash floods. We had to take off our packs to climb over and down. It was much steeper than it looks.

Fat Man's Misery

On the way out! And Low on Water!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Welcome Baby Wyatt!

Wyatt Robert Blodgett was born at 7:17 am on Sunday, June 22, 2008

He weighed in at 6lbs, 2 oz and 20 inches long.

He is a really cute baby and the consensus so far is that he looks more like Kim. He definitely has her big beautiful eyes. 

I will let Devin and Kim tell the whole story later but they said it was okay if I posted a few pictures.

Congrats guys!!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

BYU Grad/ Working Man!!

I must first apologize. This post has been long over due....please forgive me.

As many of you know Devin recently graduated from BYU with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management with an emphasis in finance! What an accomplishment! I am super proud of him, especially since BYU has a nationally ranked business program and Devin got to be a part of it! :) Below are some pictures of my handsome husband on his graduation day.

Here is a close up picture of the graduate!

Here are some pictures of Devin with Jill and Denny. Thanks for coming to celebrate with us. We loved hanging out with you! It meant a lot to us that you came to support him.

Here is Devin in front of the Tanner Building, which houses the school of business. Most of Devin's class were here.Here is another picture of Devin...notice the Y in the background. Nice camera work Jillers.

Above are some pictures of Devin and me in various places around campus.

Here is Devin with one of finance study buddies, Dallas.

Lastly, we ran into Mike and Marci on campus because Marci's sister-in-law also graduated on the same day. It seemed only appropriate that Devin got a picture with Mike on graduation day since these two have been inseparable since I have known Devin. Mike was a big part of Devin's BYU experience...intramurals, almost every class together, roommates, and living next door to each other once married.

Now, Devin has moved into a new chapter in life. He is a working man! He graduated with a job at Goldman Sachs! Way to go Dev! He started this last week. Here is a picture of him on his first day of work. Doesn't he look nice and if I might say so, very professional? So far, he has enjoyed it! Good work Devin! We are all very proud of you!

Sunday, June 08, 2008

So what is it with people!!?!??

Ok so the rumor is that I am not that modest. Everyone claims to have "seen me" at one point or another. Yes I do remember Kim and that insident but I can't remember anyone else getting that privledge (teasin). Ok so yesterday there were some people over. I wasn't sure exactly who was over and I was getting ready for a date. I was just in my garments. Ya know the whole shirt tucked into the mesh bottoms. People don't look attractive like that and really they look pretty dang funny!! So I casually walked from my room into the bathroom. As I was half way I froze, just like a deer in headlights... a girl that I had just met was standing there staring at me. I quickly dove head first into my roommates room with a scream. ohh man! What an embarrassing moment... wow I was so scared to go out and see her again. So I got ready went out there and quickly looked at her and said in a soft voice, "sorry". So if I had boxers, or even briefs it wouldn't have been so bad. It would have been at least a little bit normal... but me in all white garments, with the shirt tucked into the mesh bottoms in just plain embarrassing!!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Mylie's Special Day

Thank goodness grandma had M&M's! A great bribe to get kids to smile for the pics!

What a wonderful day!!

The Blodgett Buzz is Alive!

Denae - thanks for setting this up, now i feel some ownership since I can publish posts with my name at the bottom.

So, first things first. What is everyones favorite color....(teasin).


Boys will be boys

Well, I hope no one is embarrassed by this all knew you were being recorded! These boys are pretty funny when they are all together!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

It appears that The Blodgett Buzz has died.