Friday, September 29, 2006

i'm dumb?

uhhh how do you do that? I want to know who I look like. I feel so left out of the family


Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Monday, September 25, 2006

Mom is quite the actress

Cool Video on Shmula!

I've written a post with a video that some of you might be interested in seeing. Check it out.

Also, check out this month's Friend Magazine for a good article on adoption.

View Video Here

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Proud Mom Alert

Today was the primary program in our ward. It was sooo cute. When it was first starting I had a laugh/panic attack because Logan was sitting right up there on the stand picking his nose like crazy!! I mean he was really digging!! I was mortified but also laughing really hard because it's typical Logan to not even be aware of his surroundings to know he's sitting in front of a hundred people picking his nose. After he did his part so well the lady behind us said, "well, he might be a nose picker but he sure can memorize his part!" or something like that. Then for then next 20 minutes he was being assaulted by the annoying little boy right by him. I mean this kid was in his face! I was fuming!!!! The kid is sooooo horrible and finally when Logan was near tears trying to fend this guy off, Dave went up onto the stand and grabbed the kid and moved him over to the other side of the bench. That was a relief and Logan was fine the rest of the hour.

This is where I start bragging. Lexi and Logan both said their parts perfectly! Logan's was, "I lived with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ before I came to earth." Lexi's was D&C 1..... "what I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken.... etc etc. It was a long scripture to memorize and she did sooo good! She also was asked to sing a solo. We practiced a lot but I had never heard her practice in the microphone or with the lady accompaning her and when she started singing I had to hold back the tears! It was really sweet and she did a great job. She wasn't even nervous! She sang, "Did Jesus really live again?" and hearing her sweet little voice singing the words made me happy and proud and tearful. So that was fun. Now that's the end of my "BLAG" and Julie would say. (o:

Friday, September 22, 2006

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Lunch Lady

Well, I went to the school to see Kaley in action. As I came around a corner there was a huge line and Kaley very busily handing out food! I laughed outloud and she gave me a dirty look and said "shhh"...I don't know how she heard me over the noise of the lunch room but it gives me hope that she hears me when I am just talking to her! Here are the action shots!
(She's barely taller than the counter!)

Monday, September 18, 2006

Kaley's New Friends

They hang out on the weekends too.

Jacked Thumb

Workin' out has its pains. I was trying to adjust the bottom pully to attach a doo-ma-hicky so I could do a leg workout and this happened.

Did I stop workin' out? Kinda... but I'll be back tomorrow. How are each of you doing with your workouts/ health?


Sunday, September 17, 2006

this is for Kays

click here!

Money Making Machine!

I have been trying to make money lately. I have random every once and a while babysitting jobs and housesitting jobs, watching animals and watering plants. You know the jobs I have randomly. But I wanted more... I wanted a job that was steady, I go to work, I get a paycheck each month. You know a real job. But I have school and then volleyball, church activities, ect. I'm just too busy. Plus I can't drive myself yet except the scooter but I can't take that anywhere but close places. So I was telling some girls on my volleyball team my dilema and they told me that they had a friend who made 5 dollars a day working at lunch in the cafeteria. I got really excited. I wouldn't have to drive anywhere, it would be at lunch so it would be during the day and not get in the way of my other activities. So the next day I went to the lunch ladies and got the job! I go everyday and hand out food to my fellow classmates. It's really embarrassing and no fun at all. I make minimum wage, which is 6.25 an hour and I work an half hour everyday so I make 3.13$ a day! Basically no money at all. But it will eventually add up. It'll be about 70$ a month if I work everyday. Which I do. Keep in mind that lunch is my favorite part of the day. I visit people and socialize. It's the best. I am missing that to raise money. Determined baby! Anyway thats all.

Friday, September 15, 2006

my blog

im gonna blog on my own page so check it out. i dont want to take up space here but i will occasionally...just look at my blog page....

Black Eye

Conner – constantly moving – got a black eye at stake conference. He banged his head on the hard metal chairs. We love him though!

Thursday, September 14, 2006


Wow........ can you believe there's only 2 kids left at home??? Cute little family.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Poll of the Day

All -- we need help on a car -- Vote here and let your voice be heard! --

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Do you love me?

Hey also if you didnt know, college students miss home cooked itmes. So feel free to send home-made cookies to Dustin Blodgett, 122 biddulph hall, BYU-Idaho, Rexburg ID, 83460. Teasin you dont have too! im always gettin you!

Friday, September 08, 2006


Hey family!
As im sure you all know, i'm at college...teasin! Okay ill tell you guys whats up. I moved in last friday adn the pranet's left last friday. Stephen spent the night in my dorm that night and then Liam and Max got there Sat. Max is across the hall. Liam is my roomate and Danny Adamson is next door to us. Stephen is in aprtments a few blocks away. We went to i-Night sat night and played games. i nailed liam in the head when we jousted. he got a huge bruise and nice looking cut. ifelt bad. we roller-skated around and i saw Christina. we hung out for a littel bit. Christina is Kim's little sis for those who forget stuff easily.
Uhh i went to church the next day and bore my testimony. Went to a fireside by myself cause liam and max didnt want to. but i met up with four girls i met before so it was aight. Monday i chilled. Tuesday i had classes. I have BOM, Fit for life and now bowling on tues and thurs. Then on MWF i have American heritage, english and Bio. Also MW i have basketball for an hour. So things are cool.
I've played basketball just about every night. I got a black eye a couple days ago playing basketball. i dont know if i have told anyone that. but my eye was swollen a litttle and underneath its purple. dont worry though cause i made the jumper. he hit me and i pulled up and swished it! ummmm classes arent too bad.
funny story. last night max and i were at the girls dorms hanging out with some we know. and then we met some mroe and talked to them for a couple hurs. but we realized it was 11;57 on my phone. we said bye and bolted cause curfew was 12. we were running around and jmuping, making our own theme song music and rolling down these steep hills which were hecka fun and pretending we were shooting people like jack bouyer. we were acting stupid and 2 people saw us but we got to the door as it was turning 12. there was a group of 20 guys there waiting and as we pulled in they welcomed us with this huge welcome back mosh pit party. it was cool. we didnt have to be exactly on time but it was fun to run.
now im at the library soin homework. hope this is good and have a great week. call em and talk sometime. love ya!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Stealin' the Phone

So, I noticed this picture as my wallpaper on my phone last night. I guess Devin got his hands on my phone, took a picture of himself and applied it as my wallpaper. Dirty!

However, I will now try and do that to as many people as I can!


Monday, September 04, 2006

Just thought that since blogging was requested I would tell you what we did today. First of all I had to break the news of Steve Irwin's untimely death to Landon. This was a very sad day for him and I have to admit I was sad too. We spent quite a while watching the news stories about the Crocodile Hunter together. Landon revised his birthday list to include all of the Crocodile Hunter's DVDs and anything else to do with him. Unfortunately, there is very little out there except on ebay where an autographed book by him was going for 500.00 and a action figure was going for 200.! We are still sad that a nice guy and someone that kids could look up to is gone at such a young age. And Chad you can say that you have been stabbed by a stingray as well...I'm glad you lived to tell about it!

Since today was Labor day and Denny claims that I really believe in this holiday, we spent alot of the day cleaning! I have been cleaning out Dustin's bedroom. I must say that he followed the Blodgett boys tradition of sneaking off to college and leaving everything he didn't know what to do with for me to deal with. I have already made one trip to the DI truck, with more planned in the near future.

I also spent much of the day fuming because for the third week in a row Brett has not emailed. Denny is sure that he has been transfered to the far end of Chile where they don't have computers...we will soon know for sure because I am going to call the mission if we don't get an email by wednesday. Well, I hope you all had a little more fun on your Labor Day holiday!

Camera Phones

We just returned from the Leininger Family reunion. It was a lot of fun and I have the pictures to prove it. However, this post is about camera phones - and if they are really useful?

Here is a visual story of our trip, all pictures were taken on my camera phone...

On the way to Santa Barbara the boys wanted to see if they would fit in the carry on.

Luke and I were working on the "Lost" puzzle while the ladies were shopping.

This puzzle was stinkin' hard (1000 pieces) and had no picture to follow. Needless to say we weren't even able to finish the border! Pathetic!

We stayed in a nice house for a whole week. So I decided to take a picture of the bathroom floor (since I saw this view a lot). The patter in the picture was reated throughout the whole room...Amazing!

On the way back to the airport we saw a monster truck on the freeway. Yeah, I know, I should have been driving - but I wanted to pull out my phone and snap a pic of this truck. Its hard to see but the tires were almost as high as the car next to it!

I'm not sure why this image is smaller than the others, but it is from the Santa Barbara Zoo and has a train, mission, and lake in the picture.

It was a nice view, which isn't represented well by this picture. I should have pulled out a real camera for this one.

So that was pretty much our trip - It was a lot of fun and so are camera phones. Lets do a contest this week to see who can capture the coolest/craziest/ picture this week.

Camera Phones

We just returned from the Leininger Family reunion. It was a lot of fun and I have the pictures to prove it. However, this post is about camera phones - and if they are really useful?

Here is a visual story of our trip, all pictures were taken on my camera phone...

On the way to Santa Barbara the boys wanted to see if they would fit in the carry on.

Luke and I were working on the "Lost" puzzle while the ladies were shopping.

This puzzle was stinkin' hard (1000 pieces) and had no picture to follow. Needless to say we weren't even able to finish the border! Pathetic!

We stayed in a nice house for a whole week. So I decided to take a picture of the bathroom floor (since I saw this view a lot). The patter in the picture was reated throughout the whole room...Amazing!

On the way back to the airport we saw a monster truck on the freeway. Yeah, I know, I should have been driving - but I wanted to pull out my phone and snap a pic of this truck. Its hard to see but the tires were almost as high as the car next to it!

I'm not sure why this image is smaller than the others, but it is from the Santa Barbara Zoo and has a train, mission, and lake in the picture.

It was a nice view, which isn't represented well by this picture. I should have pulled out a real camera for this one.

So that was pretty much our trip - It was a lot of fun and so are camera phones. Lets do a contest this week to see who can capture the coolest/craziest/ picture this week.

Cars have souls

I liked Dave's idea of just browsing through pictures and then finding one to blog about so...I found this picture of our trusty Honda Accord. Others in the family (i.e. Dave and Devin) may have an emotional bond with this car as well. The Honda a.k.a. "The Oven" (no air conditioning) was given to us - actually I think we bought it for $5.00 for tax reasons - by Dave. This was the car that Chad would pick me up in when we were dating at BYU. I think Devin also wooed Kim with this car come to think of it. That car has seen some action....teasin! After Devin left for the summer we used the Oven again. When we would take it in for safety and emmisions, they told us basically that it could blow up any second. There would be smoke coming out from under the hood and oil leaking - but that car would always run!! Even though it's a lot older and has a lot more miles on it than our Toyota - the Toyota is currently dead. Anyways - I think cars have souls and that the Oven had a good soul. Sadly we betrayed it and sold it for $250 on Craigslist. I wonder how he's doing....

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Dave blogs again... look out!

Yes... back by popular demand... I have blogged. It's on my blog... Go check it out!

Click here to jump to my blog!

Blogs wanted!!

Devin and Kim: blog about the Tim and Faith concert, and the move to Utah please.

Chad and Julie: Tell us everything about the Leininger reunion.

Dustin: Please fill us in on your first few days of life "on your own" at college.