Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Running in the Hills

Monday while running in the hills I came around a corner and saw this. He was with two females and it is THAT time of year so I stopped and yelled alittle and they slowly got out of my way. Usually the deer here act a bit afraid of you but this time the buck thought he was pretty cool.

So today running in the hills I was exploring a new trail and I start up this hill and see above me about 80 yards (I'm using dads way of measuring...a football field!) a buck deer with a huge set of antlers and a girlfriend, female deer. So I think, "they'll move out of my way". All of a sudden another huge buck comes out of the bushes and I see this!!!
There was a serious fight going on, with clashing of antlers and grunts and dust flying. Then one of them loses his footing and turns and starts running downhill straight at me! I literally start screaming and waving my arms...there are no trees or anywhere for me to go....and I am screaming! About 30 yards before impact with me, he veers off the trail...right behind him comes the other one. I'm still screaming and waving and yelling so he will realize I'm not the type to want his girl! He, thankfully follows the first guy and I get out of there!
I thought for a minute that I was watching Natural Geographic!
It was pretty scary when out of everywhere he could have ran he choose to come straight at me. I thought, how cool will my kids feel when people say, "how did your mom die" and they could say, "she was gored and trampled by a deer!"

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sunday, September 05, 2010