Sunday, December 16, 2007

Happy Birthday Macey!!

It's Miss Macey's birthday! She is 3 years old! Isn't she beautiful?? Let's all say what we love about her! Happy Birthday Macey!!

Mylie is born!

Welcome to the family Mylie!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Happy Birthday Kameron!!

Kameron turned 10 today!!!

In honor of her birthday I thought we should all say what we love about her.

I love Kameron because she laughs a lot. She has a big, pretty smile, AND she is a very good example to all of the cousins.

Now, everyone leave a comment and tell us what you love about Kameron!

We hope you had a great birthday!

posted by Denae

Monday, December 03, 2007

Christmas is Coming !!!

We have lots of fun decorations, but it is hard to see them in these pictures. Actually the pictures don't make the house look as nice as it looks with all the Christmas stuff.


We have our tree up and mom has decorated the house like she always does...............perfect. This picture doesn't make it look as nice as it looks in person.

The picture below is the Santa we have had for years. Doesn't he make you feel like you are welcome.
Well -- You are all welcome.

Landon and I added lights to the house and to the bushes. So it looks good at night and now we are ready for Christmas to get here. Listening to Johnny Mathias, Barbara Streisand, Bing Crosby, Kenny G, and all the new ones. "It's the best".


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I'm thankful to be alive

Mom and I had a talk the other day about all the mishaps I've had in my life. Dad and Mom reminisced on all the things that happened when I was little and told me about them. We tried to make a list. There were too many.

All the times I left the house when I could barely walk, like the time I took the butcher knife bigger than my body down the hill, bit by a squirrel, the ski lift, getting up the oak tree and then not being able to get down, walking along the edge of the banister in the kitchen, almost dying while kayacking to Mccovey Cove and many more.

People at school often ask for me to come visit their group at lunch and tell a story. No joke. I have so many and I am good at telling them, I exagerate and pause and use my hands...very entertaining.

Anyway that gets to the main reason of my blog. We have the whole week off of school for Thanksgiving and I have been veru busy hanging out with my friends. So yesterday Kelly and I were hanging out. We watched a movie, maked a cake, baked some cookies and ran some errands. Then we decided to go for a bike ride and Kelly wanted to go up to the old house (La Casa Via). We rode there and walked through the Moon's backyard up to the hills. We walked to the rope swing and continued on the trail toward "the lake". We were along that trail where very few houses are and heard a distrubace down at a certain house. We looked down and saw THREE, HUGE, rottweilers. When I saw the first one I thought it was A BEAR. That is how huge they were. The owners were out with them but then we saw them get in their car and drive away. We were sharing stories of rottweilers and pitbulls mauling people and all the things we've heard and saying how thankful we were for the fence they were enclosed in. We decided to head back and saw a HUGE hole in the fence. It looked like it had been made by the dogs. ( maybe they had broken through the fence and already mauled someone who walked on this trail?) Anyway, we were walking back and heard loud, vicious barking/growling. We look behind us and all THREE dogs looked like Chirstmas had come early and were sprinting as fast as they could up the hill right at us. My heart dropped to my stomach, I got all sweaty and my breathing came out in fast, loud gasps. I had pretty much given up hope and the fear of getting mauled to death right here on my old stomping ground was the only thing on mind. But maybe from all the Jack Bauer watching or all the times I had been in life-threatening postitions I was prepared for this. I grabbed Kelly by her arm and we started running away. I know your not supposed to run from a vicious dog(it will only chase you faster) but if we had stayed there they would have killed us. Menwhile, I am frantically looking for a tree for us to climb (we could not have outrun them) and a weapon of some sort to try and defend us. We could hear them barking and going crazy. I couldn't find a tree and I stopped and prayed. "Please don't let them kill us. Please let them not care about getting us anymore. Please let the dogs die." etc. Instead of going down the path we'd come up I threw Kelly off a cliff(hoping if we got down there they wouldn't be able to see us) and jumped down after her. We both nearly broke our ankles and were covered in dirt but we got home in one piece.

It was very VERY terrifying and another near death experience I can add to my list. Maybe my number was up when I was a baby and I'm messing with fate or maybe I have a mission here on Earth that I CAN'T miss and He has been trying really hard to keep me alive even though danger and trouble ALWAYS find me. That is my story and this Thanksgiving when we all go around the table and say what we are thankful for, my answer is "I'm thankful I am alive."

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Kaley all dressed up for homecoming 2007!

doesn"t she look cute.

Kaley and her best friend -- Kelly.

They all went to PF Chang's for dinner.

All grown-up and ready to take on the world.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Halloween 2007

Landon got into the Halloween spirit this year. We had Dave, Denae, Lexi, Logan and Macey come for FHE and we made tombstones. Dave and Landon cut the boards and everyone painted. Here is our final product!

Las Vegas...Ohh Yeah!

Ok, Following the lead of Angie Denae and Julie. I took my camera to Las Vegas and took pictures! We had fun running around together and checking out all the great hotels. We think that the one we stayed in, the Mandalay Bay Hotel was the best. Even though Dad doesn't look like he's having a good time...he was!

This is the Luxor, where Pete, Dave and chad dropped pennies on people from the the peak.

This is the Excaliber.....KIng Arthur's castle I guess.

Dad in front of New York, New York. We rode the rollercoaster! Pretty wild!

MGM Grand.

And the Mandalay Bay

We ate in fancy restaurants, I had a massage, we went to a show and a movie and slept in...didn't gamble, but saw more nakie people than we wanted to! Learning from Denae, here is a picture of a lunch I had: a chicken, cheese and mushroom crepe and a chocolate brownie dessert crepe!

And last of all, they were having the world championship bull riding contest at the Mandaley while we were there. I tried really hard to get some pictures of the cowboys but they didn't turn out because of the delay on my camera!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Featuring Devin and Kim in Mexico!

Kaley's movie

This was fun. It didn't take too long either. It's my first one and its not that good. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Dad goes all out for Halloween

Ok, so we know that dad has an allergic reaction when he takes Advil...he also must be allergic to something in aspirin. He's pretty scary looking and these pictures don't even do it justice.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Can you believe it is almost here! I love this time of year!

Julie and I are very sad that we won't be able to come home and party with ya'll. Take pics, and vid's and sign up on twitter so it will be like we are there with you.

Here is an interesting study conducted on our gift giving assignments...the names in italics are repeats from last year. Pretty much Julie lucked out getting gifts from Denae again, Pete lucked out getting gifts from Julie again, and Angie got robbed getting gifts from Devin again...Teasin' Dev!!

Love ya all!

Christmas 2006
Christmas 2007
Pete gives to Landon
Pete is giving to Devin
Angie gives to Denae
Angie is giving to Kaley
Dave gives to Dustin
Dave is giving to Kim
Denae gives to Julie
Denae is giving to Julie
Chad gives to Devin
Chad is giving to Dave
Julie gives to Pete
Julie is giving to Pete
Devin gives to Angie
Devin is giving to Angie
Kim gives to Dave
Kim is giving to Landon
Dustin gives to Kim
Brett is giving to Chad
Kaley gives to Chad
Landon gives to Kaley Kaley is giving to Denae

Monday, October 22, 2007

Christmas Gift Giving 2007

Guys, I drew names at mom and dad's to see who everyone has for Christmas. If you think you've already had the person you have, you're right. We've all had eachother before cause we have been doing it for awhile now. So don't worry.

Pete is giving to Devin

Angie is giving to Kaley

Dave is giving to Kim (is that awkward? hahahah just kidding)

Denae is giving to Julie

Chad is giving to Dave

Julie is giving to Pete

Devin is giving to Angie

Kim is giving to Landon

Brett is giving to Chad


Kaley is giving to Denae

Landon is giving to Brett.

Sound good????

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Christmas Presents

Hi Everyone,

Does someone want to draw the names out of a hat and post who got who for Christmas this year???

If not, I will do it tomorrow when I'm at mom's house.

I like to know ahead of time so I can think about it!


Thursday, October 18, 2007


Family - I really like this scene from the latest rocky movie. Life seems to beat down on us a lot with the various things we are all doing. But the trick is to keep movin' and to enjoy, as President Hinckley has said, the ride. I love you guys.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

more pics

Read my blog to see others