Sunday, November 07, 2010

Christmas Drawing 2010

Here are the names for this Christmas Season. We made the video and only had one repeat- Landon giving to Devin... Is that ok? Let us know if we need to change that or not or if there are any that have had that person in the past and want to try someone knew. Basically be open about what your thoughts are.... this doesn't have to be final if you don't want it to. Sure love ya!

In case you missed it. Here are the names.

Pete (gives to)-- Julie

Angie- Dustin

Dave-- Brett

Denae-- Kim

Chad-- Pete

Julie-- Landon

Devin-- Kaley

Kim-- Emily

Brett-- Chad

Emily-- Dave

Dustin-- Denae

Moriah-- Angie

Kaley-- Moriah

Landon-- Devin


Saturday, November 06, 2010

Kaley's Epic Win!

Dustin and Moriah are visiting us this weekend in Rexburg. We have had a great time so far! Last night we went to a Collin Raye concert- and went crazy when he sang Dads favorite "Little Red Rodeo"!

This morning we got up to get some exercise. We went to Porter Park and played frisbee and football. Before we decided to go home, we played Brett and Dustin vs. Kaley, Emily and Moriah. Dustin and I scored and there was only 25 seconds left on the play clock. They ran a play in the middle of the field and had 15 seconds left to score.

Emily played quarterback- Moriah and Kaley took off and the ball was launched in the air to Kaley in the end-zone who outran Brett and Dustin. She ran and caught the ball and full speed turned and ran straight into a tree. The tree isn't a normal tree trunk, but instead had knobs and knots everywhere.

She bounced off and we were all disgusted with the HUGE hole in her head. We took her to the hospital. Brett and Dustin went with her in the back to comfort her as she got 15 stitches- three on the inside and twelve on the outside.

VERY memorable event and the pictures are found below.
Check out her legs--- also very hurt!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


This is the latest family picture of all the Blodgett Clan..............taken at Dustin and Moriah's wedding reception July 31, 2010. What a great looking bunch of people (except for me), but i am probably a little prejudice. And as goodlooking as they are.................they are even more fun to be around.

A Walk in the Hills above Walnut Creek

We were on a walk and ran into three separate terrantulas................HUGE............and of course Mom touched the leg on accident and gave out a pretty loud scream. One of these came across the trail and mom came within inches of stepping on it and she didn't even know it.................i had to tell her it was there. Another exciting day in the life of the Walnut Creek Blodgetts.

Hobble Creek Half-Marathon 2010

We had so much fun last year, (torture), we decided to enter again this year, with the "Bwuddahs" running instead of the women (Kim, Denae, and Emily). Dustin was the overall winner at 1:31, Mommers got 2nd in her age bracket at 1:49 and Dave and Devin ran around the 1:45 area. Julie took it easy as she was pregnant but still easily beat me, Landon, Kaley, and Chad. Will we do it next year..................???????

Sunday, October 17, 2010

100k or 68 Miles on a Bike

On Saturday, Dad and I did the 100k (that's 68 miles!) Foxy bike ride with our biker gang, Mike and Georgia.
Don't we look like serious bikers? This is the first rest stop after 25 miles...only 43 to go.
We're all wearing padding pants and Georgia has already had a tire blow out!

Lunch stop after 53 miles, starting to feel it!

Denny is such a hardcore biker he is even wearing his helmet to eat...I should have as I had serious helmet head.

This is what Landon did while we were gone for most of the day.
He really likes bossing players and coaches around on the soccer fields

We asked our hometeacher Lee Schafer to drive him to and from his games...I know it is not in his job discription but it will give him something to say when asked, "what is the weirdest thing you've had to do as a hometeacher?"

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Running in the Hills

Monday while running in the hills I came around a corner and saw this. He was with two females and it is THAT time of year so I stopped and yelled alittle and they slowly got out of my way. Usually the deer here act a bit afraid of you but this time the buck thought he was pretty cool.

So today running in the hills I was exploring a new trail and I start up this hill and see above me about 80 yards (I'm using dads way of measuring...a football field!) a buck deer with a huge set of antlers and a girlfriend, female deer. So I think, "they'll move out of my way". All of a sudden another huge buck comes out of the bushes and I see this!!!
There was a serious fight going on, with clashing of antlers and grunts and dust flying. Then one of them loses his footing and turns and starts running downhill straight at me! I literally start screaming and waving my arms...there are no trees or anywhere for me to go....and I am screaming! About 30 yards before impact with me, he veers off the trail...right behind him comes the other one. I'm still screaming and waving and yelling so he will realize I'm not the type to want his girl! He, thankfully follows the first guy and I get out of there!
I thought for a minute that I was watching Natural Geographic!
It was pretty scary when out of everywhere he could have ran he choose to come straight at me. I thought, how cool will my kids feel when people say, "how did your mom die" and they could say, "she was gored and trampled by a deer!"

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Monday, April 05, 2010

Collarbone update, yes, we do have to put in every detail.

Lando went in for surgery to fix his collarbone. The first step was an IV.

He had a hard time with pain afterwards and he spent the night. He did really like the bed though, he could call the nurse, turn on and off the lights, raise his head or feet, and turn on the TV with just a touch of a tiny button right under his hand. He only had to move one finger.

He liked getting a couple of care packages from his sisters and treats from friends and another season of the Office from his parents.

He got to take the bandage off after five days and this is what was underneath!

Pretty big battle scar. Stitches out on Friday. I won't blog about it!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Northstar 2010, Landon's Downfall

So here we are very excited for our ski trip to Northstar. I couldn't wait to show Landon the great trails, especially the rollers on Jiboon!
It's a perfect day, warm, sunny, no lines!

On the lift, so excited!!
Sunscreen on!

On our fourth run, ready for Jiboon....and suddenly, we are flying down the slope and..we hit hard bumpy ice.
It is all over for Landon. Lucky a guy who works at Northstar was right behind us and new the number to call. We only had to wait a few minutes for our rescuer.

Landon is the third of the kids to get a ride down the mountain in the sled. Chad and Landons rides were for the reason they have injury. Kaley's ride was "just for fun" and being too little to go to the top.
Kinda funny that both Chad and Landon broke their collarbones at Northstar...

Away they go with me following behind.

In the Northstar urgent care.
This is probably where they make most of their money. There was a guy in the next bed with a badly broken wrist. We almost cried when they had to put his bones back in place. It's hard to hear a grown man whimper.
The X-ray's,
because the bones are so displaced. Landon will be having surgery Monday and get a plate and 4 screws. Do you think he'll set off the buzzer at the airport?

After treatment, trying to smile...on pain meds!

Thursday, February 25, 2010


"What could I a big person possibly do with a Toy Ota?"

Love the non-boring color! And it has a dark charcoal interior.

It came with Bluetooth through the stereo system. When someone calls, He just has to hit a button on the steering wheel.

Did i mention it also has 8 stereo speakers.

Pretty Sweet !!!

This is where Dad parked the car, his new car is that tiny dot in the distance...and he took over my garage space!

As seen from his office..where he can keep an eye on it.

The infinity is 9 years old and has 175,000 miles on it. It is making an interesting noise and is more expensive than a normal car to repair, and seems to have more exotic things to go wrong with it is now semi-retired. And by the way, when Mom rides in the new Camry she looks extremely "sexy" !!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Why I Love living in California

It's the middle of February here in California and these are some of the sights I see everyday.

I pass this cool camellia tree everyday on my way to pick up Landon.

Also on my way is this tree. I think it is a magnolia tree and the flowers are as big as my hand. I seethese trees all over the place right now. Wish I had one!

In our back yard.

Magnolia again!

Our tree from the window upstair!

Just took this picture out the car was just too pretty to past up!
Yup, I love it here!

Yellow isn't usually my favorite but when you see this on the side of the road it's pretty amazing.

So I do have a few reason for living in California!