Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Last Weekend, was DA BEST!!

Ok so even though sledding wasn't the first thing that I did this weekend I thought it was fo show one of the highlights so I decided to put it first. No one was going down this hill and I didn't see anyone take this jump, so I didn't quite know what to expect. As you can see I got tons of air and yes I did hurt myself. I have perfect form as you can tell but I thought I broke my tail bone. The second time it knocked the air out of me and then....

The third time I completely lost the tube and upon landing thought I was going to dislocate my shoulder!! This picture doesn't give in justice cause I was high in the air. But yes it was all worth it and yes I would do it again any day! Just call me Brodders lets do it, I bought a sweet tube!

Hecka cute couple!! They don't get much better than that!
So besides sledding Emily and I did alot of dancing. All Friday night was dancing up at the University of Utah at a huge institute party.

I also took Emily to the Mayan Restaurant, which was a lot of fun as we watched the Cliff divers do their little show. We felt like we were in the movie, The Testaments with Pahoran walking around!!Then Sunday night we spent walking around temple square and downtown Salt Lake. We were at the visitors center and listening to the Prophets testimony when we found out of his passing.

Overall it was a great weekend. We also went to the BYU basketball game, saw the movie "Bucket List", ate at an Italian Restaurant with a waitress named "Flow" (from Dumb and Dumber), made cookies, went to church, played the Xbox, walked around campus, and a snow ball fight!! It was a lot of fun! It was fantastic, da best!
Take it easy, XoXoxoXoOxoXxxoooxoxoxXooxOOxOXXOX


D-dawg said...

Brett! I loved the recap of the weekend... I had been dying to see pics. But can you go back and make them a little bigger so I can see them better? SOrry, I know I told you to do medium but now I need large. YOur sledding adventures sound painful. Please no injuries. I'm glad you guys had so much fun together. Hi Emily!

angie said...

Awesome weekend! You did however, forget to mention the delious dinner that Pete made you while visiting a great family!! It was so fun to see you and Emily! I'm glad you didn't get seriously hurt jump'in that huge junp. And, thanks for always shoveling my snow! love you

theblodgettbuzz said...

Hey Bretters, I'm glad you had a great weekend. You seriously got alot of careful you don't want to break anything!