Sunday, November 01, 2009


This is Landon during Homecoming Week on Michael Jackson Day. He's got some new moves.

Mom got these teeth and wanted to me to look about as scary as I could................I looked like this at the Ward party and most people did not know who I was until they saw mom.

This was Mom and she looks good no matter what she wears. And dressed back to her roots.

Me again..............looking pretty weird. If you look close enough you can see the resemblance between me and Chad and Devin.

The videos below are from Landon showing the grandkids what our house looked like when we gave out candy Halloween night. He had the doorbell rang, he would shoot the fog machine and the girls would scream.

This is what the house looked like right before it got dark.

Halloween is over for another year. We only had about 60-70 kids show up at the door. But it was fun, and now we are left to eat all of the candy. Mom is going to look for some more teeth for next year. There were lots of comments today at church as to how I looked. At least for a night i had a "little piece of the glory".


D-dawg said...

AWESOME GUYS!!! Dad, you look soooooo scary -- I feel like I don't know you when you where that. Lando- great job on spooking the trick or treaters!!

Emily said...

Great job on the house Lando..or should i say Michael!
Denny and Jill; great costumes! A little freaky!

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