Thursday, May 26, 2011

Blind Volleyball

Here is a short clip of what Landon and I have been doing a lot these days. It is a new game we came up with that we play over the fence. We have boundaries and you can only hit it twice (instead of the normal three). Its tons of fun.

We recorded 30 minutes on the Flip and then used a small program they have that basically sums the video and chooses its own highlights. So we didn't choose these highlights but it still works.

Dust and Lando


angie said...

You guys are having WAY too much fun! I wanna play!!

D-dawg said...

Aaaahhh to be young again with so much free time LOL! Who is filming? You almost hit the camera with the ball!

The Dustblog said...

We set the Flip up on the roof with it connected to a sweet tri-pod mom and dad have. Ang and Denae...come over and play! :)