Friday, October 06, 2006

MySpace is for old people

A recent study on the MySpace demographics came out yesterday. You can find it here. It shows that over 50% of the MySpace users are 35 and older. This means that millions of teeny boppers are socializing with a lot of old people. That fact makes you want to be more cautious with your own kids being on MySpace.


The Blodgett Buzz said...

Read the report to find out. Comscore has a panel of over 2 million people that have given comscore permission to track their online activities. It's basic marketing research -- these are called omnibus and tracking studies. Other technical terms used for these studies are longitudinal studies.

D-dawg said...

wow, I had know idea, although I do know a few older people who are on it and thought that was wierd. Kindof scary though. I"m not that into my space.