Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I'm thankful to be alive

Mom and I had a talk the other day about all the mishaps I've had in my life. Dad and Mom reminisced on all the things that happened when I was little and told me about them. We tried to make a list. There were too many.

All the times I left the house when I could barely walk, like the time I took the butcher knife bigger than my body down the hill, bit by a squirrel, the ski lift, getting up the oak tree and then not being able to get down, walking along the edge of the banister in the kitchen, almost dying while kayacking to Mccovey Cove and many more.

People at school often ask for me to come visit their group at lunch and tell a story. No joke. I have so many and I am good at telling them, I exagerate and pause and use my hands...very entertaining.

Anyway that gets to the main reason of my blog. We have the whole week off of school for Thanksgiving and I have been veru busy hanging out with my friends. So yesterday Kelly and I were hanging out. We watched a movie, maked a cake, baked some cookies and ran some errands. Then we decided to go for a bike ride and Kelly wanted to go up to the old house (La Casa Via). We rode there and walked through the Moon's backyard up to the hills. We walked to the rope swing and continued on the trail toward "the lake". We were along that trail where very few houses are and heard a distrubace down at a certain house. We looked down and saw THREE, HUGE, rottweilers. When I saw the first one I thought it was A BEAR. That is how huge they were. The owners were out with them but then we saw them get in their car and drive away. We were sharing stories of rottweilers and pitbulls mauling people and all the things we've heard and saying how thankful we were for the fence they were enclosed in. We decided to head back and saw a HUGE hole in the fence. It looked like it had been made by the dogs. ( maybe they had broken through the fence and already mauled someone who walked on this trail?) Anyway, we were walking back and heard loud, vicious barking/growling. We look behind us and all THREE dogs looked like Chirstmas had come early and were sprinting as fast as they could up the hill right at us. My heart dropped to my stomach, I got all sweaty and my breathing came out in fast, loud gasps. I had pretty much given up hope and the fear of getting mauled to death right here on my old stomping ground was the only thing on mind. But maybe from all the Jack Bauer watching or all the times I had been in life-threatening postitions I was prepared for this. I grabbed Kelly by her arm and we started running away. I know your not supposed to run from a vicious dog(it will only chase you faster) but if we had stayed there they would have killed us. Menwhile, I am frantically looking for a tree for us to climb (we could not have outrun them) and a weapon of some sort to try and defend us. We could hear them barking and going crazy. I couldn't find a tree and I stopped and prayed. "Please don't let them kill us. Please let them not care about getting us anymore. Please let the dogs die." etc. Instead of going down the path we'd come up I threw Kelly off a cliff(hoping if we got down there they wouldn't be able to see us) and jumped down after her. We both nearly broke our ankles and were covered in dirt but we got home in one piece.

It was very VERY terrifying and another near death experience I can add to my list. Maybe my number was up when I was a baby and I'm messing with fate or maybe I have a mission here on Earth that I CAN'T miss and He has been trying really hard to keep me alive even though danger and trouble ALWAYS find me. That is my story and this Thanksgiving when we all go around the table and say what we are thankful for, my answer is "I'm thankful I am alive."


Landon said...

ha ha that sounds really freaky but also really funny and if you did die that way id probaly laugh at your funeral

devin said...

Wait, I don't get it. Did they run past you, not see you, or stop chasing you?...That's a crazy story. I think I was surrounded by the same dogs when I was little...I was with the cousins walking to the pond. Anyway, those owners need to be more careful!

angie said...

Kays!! I am sooo glad you are alive too! Rotts and Pitbulls are so freaky. Especially 3! They for sure had the "pack" feeling and were trying to get you!
remember when you covered Shadow in Vaseline and threw him off the deck?? Shadow is probably thankful to be alive too!

Kaley said...

Dev, i think they just stopped chasing us when we were dissapeared and Ang, I do not remember that! haha I feel so bad now, Shadow is such a good dog, especially compared to the three I encountered yesterday.

D-dawg said...

Kays that story is super scary and the pictures to go with it are terrifying! I'm glad you escaped death by dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brett said...

Kaley Im thankful you are alive also.. Thats pretty dang scary! You should have taken that moment to exmplain to Kelly about the power of pray and how God answers... teasiN!! Ill stop preachin... Love ya sis!

Anonymous said...

Did you Report it before someone gets killed?If not you REALLY should!