Thursday, October 02, 2008

Its True my amigos... !

I am engaged... for now I will just refer you to the Crowley Blog... I will do a post later when I have more time! But to see the ring and some pics go to

Sure love you, and my FIANCEE!


Matt "Hacksaw" said...

Check this out Brett. I was looking at the ring on Emily's site and I noticed that I know her sister Kate. She was on our bowling team, The Dominant Fury! Small world.

D-dawg said...

Matt- it is a small world- that is funny.

Brett it's about time!! Yahoo- I'm so excited for you two.

Is there a date yet please?

Also, can we get some more info. on the details of the night you proposed etc. Thank you.

Brett said...

Matt that is hecka funny... I went and saw kate this weekend for conference and we talked about that! She called you "hacksaw", so then I knew you guys must have been close!