Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Weekend in Monterrey

Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
(Can this be your official thank you card?)
We had the greatest weekend. It was soooo much fun, relaxing, eating, movies, hiking, biking, hot tubbing, sauna-ing and shopping!
So thank you to all of my sweet children, Pete, Angie, Denae, Dave, Chad, Julie, Devin, Kim, Brett, Emily, Dustin, Kaley and Landon.

Our first stop was the Gilroy outlets where Dad picked out a new dress for me and made me get it for my upcoming birthday. It is really nice. We also got exercise clothes and shoes.

And a new golf shirt!

Next, the fabulous Embassy Suites rooms.

What's there to eat?

Biking the beautiful coast.

1 comment:

D-dawg said...

Yes, this is your thank you card. No one should have to write 10 thank you's for one gift! I'm glad you guys had such a good time. Great photos. I love when you blog mom! Love you!