"What could I a big person possibly do with a Toy Ota?"
Love the non-boring color! And it has a dark charcoal interior.
As seen from his office..where he can keep an eye on it.
The infinity is 9 years old and has 175,000 miles on it. It is making an interesting noise and is more expensive than a normal car to repair, and seems to have more exotic things to go wrong with it...so it is now semi-retired. And by the way, when Mom rides in the new Camry she looks extremely "sexy" !!!
What the!? Dad bought a new toyota?!!!! Or is it a temporary car until the infinity is fixed? Dang, it looks good! And i love how Dad parks it way out in the distance so that nobody hits it. Go dad!
Dad I love the new car.... it is way sweet! I also think it was a way good idea to go with Toyota.... the are cool looking, powerful, fast and reliable (with a few mess ups recently)!! I laughed pretty hard when I saw where he parked it though.
The best part about it is the blue tooth thingy. And the color. Way to go dad!
I love the new car & the blue is so classy! :)
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