Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Northstar 2010, Landon's Downfall

So here we are very excited for our ski trip to Northstar. I couldn't wait to show Landon the great trails, especially the rollers on Jiboon!
It's a perfect day, warm, sunny, no lines!

On the lift, so excited!!
Sunscreen on!

On our fourth run, ready for Jiboon....and suddenly, we are flying down the slope and..we hit hard bumpy ice.
It is all over for Landon. Lucky a guy who works at Northstar was right behind us and new the number to call. We only had to wait a few minutes for our rescuer.

Landon is the third of the kids to get a ride down the mountain in the sled. Chad and Landons rides were for the reason they have injury. Kaley's ride was "just for fun" and being too little to go to the top.
Kinda funny that both Chad and Landon broke their collarbones at Northstar...

Away they go with me following behind.

In the Northstar urgent care.
This is probably where they make most of their money. There was a guy in the next bed with a badly broken wrist. We almost cried when they had to put his bones back in place. It's hard to hear a grown man whimper.
The X-ray's,
because the bones are so displaced. Landon will be having surgery Monday and get a plate and 4 screws. Do you think he'll set off the buzzer at the airport?

After treatment, trying to smile...on pain meds!


The Dustblog said...

Dang Bwudduhs!!! You broke that thing good! You must have been flying! I think you broke it worse than Chad and I....good luck with surgery and the plates and screws. Holy Cow.

Emily said...

Poor Lando!! That break is so big,good luck at surgery... look at the bright side; it will be pretty cool setting off every metal detector you walk through! :)

angie said...

Lando!! I am so sad for you! That break looks bad... and painful! I love you!

Kimberly said...

Ouch Lando! That break looks so painful. Good luck with surgery. We love ya!

Julie said...

Landon! That is a seriously broken collar bone. You are so tough!! I'm sorry you have to have surgery. We'll be praying for ya. Just have them turn you into wolverine while they are at it. :)