Yesterday after church I was sitting in my friends apartment and we were talking about the recent student elections that took place here at BYU. A kid from our ward won the election and will be the student body president for this university. He has asked some friends from the ward to work with him on different commitees. I have learned that this kid and those that will be working with him don't pay for school. Tuition, book, lab fees, etc. are all paid for due to him being elected. He also has a part time job up on campus were he is required to put in 20 to 30 hours a week. Yes his work load will be great however he is the student body president of a major university and receiving money at the same time!! How great does that look on a resume! Anyways... I got to thinking that this type of stuff is in my blood... Brett Blodgett Student Body President of BYU-Idaho...! I would then have a part time job doing something important and fun and getting school paid for, while gaining experience and learning!! I want to hear your ideas... Should I maybe run for it? I was thinking that if elected I could pull any string I wanted and probably change my track to Fall, Winter or even get into BYU after my term was served. I was thinking that I could do some car washes and raise some money to run a sweet campaign that won't accept defeat. I asked Denae if she would come to Idaho to help me campaign and then I thought I could be like Mitt and have all the brothers and sisters come up and help me win. The Blodgetts would sweep through campus until my slogan, "Don't Fret, Vote For Brett" was sounded in every ear. We could give out free donuts, have a dunk tank, wear bright colors, have wrist bands, suckers, candy, and fun activities! If any family could pull this off it would be ours... so what do you think? Should I try to "get a little taste of the glory, to see what is tastes like?"... Let me know... Should I run for office?
Just the other week it was the last home team for the BYU basketball team. I had made previous plans to go with my good friend from the mission Matt Harris. The day of the game Matt calls me and tells me that he won front row seats for the game when he won a horse shoe throwing competition. So we had front row seats and we felt like we were right there on the court with the players. For sitting there we got a free t-shirt and then when the cheerleaders were running by I got the attention of one of them and asked her to get me a t-shirt... she did and threw it to me!! Two Free t-shirts!! The game was awesome! We won and got the trophy!! The cut down the nets and it was all right it front of our faces. When they were awarded the trophy they ran over and we all touched it and got to do a little celebrating with the team. After the game we went out and rang the victory bell and gave them all high fives. We got a picture with the Six Man Loyd also... here are some pictures!! (man I wish BYU-I had sports!).
So, I thought that I would post a blog and some pictures about Devin's birthday on Saturday. After all, turning 25 is a big deal!
Here is a run down of the day: - in the morning Devin and I went to Best Buy where he picked out a new wii game. Below is a picture of him enjoying it. :)
- Devin played in his intramural game with Brett and won by 1 point!! It was an amazing game. They were down by 8 with a minute and a half left. The Abillas and the Chad Blodgett's also came to the game for some moral support. Thanks for coming guys. - We went over to Chad and Julie's new home and had a small party. Dev opened his presents and we had cake and ice cream. - Dev and I went to Red Robin with Mike, Marci, and Brett. Dev had been craving the jalapeno burger there. Wait, is he pregnant? Teasin.
Anyway, here are some pictures from at Chad and Julie's. Also, at the bottom I included some pictures of me being pregnant per Denae's request. I must say that I felt sort of like an inmate getting my profile picture taken. Denae, the last picture shows the top that you and Dave gave me for Christmas. Thanks again!
Brett was messing with my camera when he was home a few weekends ago. These are some of the pictures he took. Brett, you're such a photographer... you really "capture life."
Us in the Bathroom. Why were we in the bathroom anyway?
Lexi and Clayton hangin' on the couch
Dave always scaring baby Bennett
Poor Shadow... always left out in the cold
Julie always pickin' her nose
Brett, please stop harassing my daughter Mommers... always in the kitchen