Monday, July 07, 2008

First of all, I would to thank Brett for keeping the Buzz alive!!!

Second of all, I would like to share a snippet of a conversation I had with the Bretters just moments ago. It made me laugh. Very typical Bretters.

Brett: So I went camping in Yellowstone this weekend!

Me: How fun!

Brett: Yeah, we saw a bear.

Me: Really? That's so cool... what kind of bear?

Brett: Well, I'm not so good at telling bears apart but I kind of narrowed it down. I know it wasn't a polar bear. I'm pretty sure it wasn't big enough to be a grizzly. So it was definitely a brown bear or a black bear.

Me: (dying laughing) I think you narrowed it down about right.

Brett: Well, I'm no Steve Erwin that's for sure!

The End. Maybe you had to be there. But it was funny. I love to hear about Bretters' adventures.

Now, Dev and Kim. I know you're tired but can we please get some anxiously awaited updated pictures of Wyatt! Who does he look like? I need to know.


Mike said...

Seriously Dev, I need to see my Nephew Wyatt. You're really holding out on us.

Dave said...

First of all... Mike... Wyatt is NOT your nephew... unless your baby can be my niece... ummmmm.

Brett, I love you. I can't believe how you so astutely narrowed it down to either a brown bear or a black bear... awesome. I think there's more Steve Erwin in you than you think!

D-Dawg, keep the interviews with the Brett man comin'. He never calls me anymore... )c;

Chadders said...

How do we even know it was in the bear familia. It could have been a wolverine, or a moose.