Thursday, July 03, 2008

Awkward Moments!

Ok so first one... I was walking home yesterday in the Rexburg 85 degree weather. I am a healthy kid and because I am healthy I sweat (a little) when it is hot and I am briskly walking. I crossed the street and was about 200 yards from the entrance to my apartment complex. All of a sudden a girl from my ward came out of the middle of nowhere and linked arms with me!! She is not to attractive, to me at least!... She linked arms with me and started to talk to me. My first thought, Um please get your big arm off my soon to be very sweaty arm!. My second thought, are you serious right now? My third thought, what is going on and please let me walk home in peace? I couldn't believe it... I asked her what her name was and was very nice to her. We walked with linked arms for like 100 yards and then she split off and went back to her apartment. I was very confused and was trying to think if she had to do that for a class or if she is just awkward. Not in a rude way but I hope that I don't "run into her again"!

The next one... Today I got a haircut and as I was sitting there I noticed that every other person there was talking to the person that was cutting their hair. I thought to myself, Am I suppose to spark up a conversation with this person? Aren't I kinda paying her to cut my hair and keep ME entertained for that half an hour? Also... when someone "plays with" your hair, it feels good and you get kinda sleepy.... right? Thus I don't really have a desire to talk... I think that I would rather just get in... and get out! I don't know... what do you all think?


D-dawg said...

Brett, I feel the same about talking while getting my hair done- I don't love it. I just want to sit there and relax- not chat!

As far as the friendly girl. It is not fun to have your personal space invaded. BUT I know that you were so nice to her anyway- cause that's the kind of guy you are- so good job.

Brooke said...

haha this blog is so funny..i laughed out loud (i'm alone in my kitchen). oh by the way this is brooke. harrison.

Dave said...

Brett, I'm glad you got a haircut! You're lookin' pretty scragley (and GRAY!) in this picture!
I was probably the "awkward person" my Freshman year at BYU... Linking arms with random girls and walking them to their classrooms... TEASIN'!!!
I did go on a date to the movie Pocahontas with a girl who knew all the "native american" words to the songs! That was pretty funny...