Sunday, January 21, 2007

Early B-day!

So Mom gave me an early birthday present after the wisdom teeth weekend but told me i wasnt allowed to open it. I begged and begged and then she needed to find a pair of earings so she let me open it!! Max and I had a huge early b-day celebration and partied a ton. I was way excited and git a great gift! Gotta love early b-days!


The Dustblog said...

Wow dustin! So cool...happy early birthday! Hope the celebration was awesome!

D-dawg said...

dust, you stinker. But I LOVE to open presents early too. Looks like fun. I'll wish you a happy birhtday in a month when it really is your birthday. By the way, was mom's earring in there???

The Dustblog said...

ya mom's earings were in there...its my b-dsy! aww yeah!