Sunday, September 16, 2007

It's not's the car!!

Many of you know that last summer while we were living in Murrieta I hit a post while trying to park our car and knocked our side mirror off. Recently we re-glued the mirror with gorilla glue...WOW that glue works. I would recommend it to anyone. Anyway (say that with a nacho accent), as Dev and I were driving back to Provo from Walnut Creek we saw a car with its side mirror (the same side) knocked off and it was Ford Taurus...same make and model! That let me to wonder maybe it's not me, it's the car! Take a look at the picture. Dev and I sure had a good laugh.


D-dawg said...

KIM! You are so right, it is NOT you, it is a car defect for sure!! I love that you guys got a picture of it too!

Julie said...

I bet that car is abnormally wide. It looks wide in the picture. Anyways (nacho) my vote is that its the car and not kim!

angie said...

ha ha! It is the car!

Brett said...

Well Kim I think if I never met you I would think... hey maybe it is the car... but since I have met you... well I think its you kim!! teasin... squeeze squeeze!