Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Poll of the Day

All -- we need help on a car -- Vote here and let your voice be heard! --


D-dawg said...

my vote is for the suburban... just because suburban's are the coolest... we had some memorable road trips in ours that's for sure. COOL! send pics when you get it!

The Dustblog said...

maybe the yukon cause im trying to cause conflict in the argument. or the burban...whatever has more gadgets inside.....aww yeah!

Julie said...

Forget the big cars - get a mustang convertable - the kids will be squished, but it will be fun!

my real vote is for the suburban.

The Blodgett Buzz said...

Definitely the yukon, hello have you guys even seen yukons? they look just like burbans but there better inside

dev has spoken