Monday, September 04, 2006

Just thought that since blogging was requested I would tell you what we did today. First of all I had to break the news of Steve Irwin's untimely death to Landon. This was a very sad day for him and I have to admit I was sad too. We spent quite a while watching the news stories about the Crocodile Hunter together. Landon revised his birthday list to include all of the Crocodile Hunter's DVDs and anything else to do with him. Unfortunately, there is very little out there except on ebay where an autographed book by him was going for 500.00 and a action figure was going for 200.! We are still sad that a nice guy and someone that kids could look up to is gone at such a young age. And Chad you can say that you have been stabbed by a stingray as well...I'm glad you lived to tell about it!

Since today was Labor day and Denny claims that I really believe in this holiday, we spent alot of the day cleaning! I have been cleaning out Dustin's bedroom. I must say that he followed the Blodgett boys tradition of sneaking off to college and leaving everything he didn't know what to do with for me to deal with. I have already made one trip to the DI truck, with more planned in the near future.

I also spent much of the day fuming because for the third week in a row Brett has not emailed. Denny is sure that he has been transfered to the far end of Chile where they don't have computers...we will soon know for sure because I am going to call the mission if we don't get an email by wednesday. Well, I hope you all had a little more fun on your Labor Day holiday!

1 comment:

D-dawg said...

I'm soooo sad about Steve! He was such a great guy and did so much good for animals and just a nice/genuine person. so sad.