Thursday, September 21, 2006

Lunch Lady

Well, I went to the school to see Kaley in action. As I came around a corner there was a huge line and Kaley very busily handing out food! I laughed outloud and she gave me a dirty look and said "shhh"...I don't know how she heard me over the noise of the lunch room but it gives me hope that she hears me when I am just talking to her! Here are the action shots!
(She's barely taller than the counter!)


D-dawg said...

Kays you look so serious. you are a hard worker, good job, and I'm so glad you don't have to wear a hairnet. mom, great job getting photos!

Julie said...

Kays - you rock! I have to confess that I was a lunch lady, rather lunch girl in elementary school one year. I did it for the free lunch because I loved the tater tots!

angie said...

Go Kays Go!

The Dustblog said...

o boy...